By Kerry Henard
Waiting for a bus in Apple Valley at night? Good luck!
By Kerry Henard
Even after a clean-up,
the Horsemens’ Center needs extensive mitigation to repair the damage of the years-long illegal dumping by the Town.
We need your help through social media and other avenues to keep up the pressure the Town.
By Kerry Henard
After only 5+ years, the Town is finally cleaning up the illegal dump site it created at the Horsemens’ Center.
By Kerry Henard
How much time does it take your Town government to fix a drip system? Trick question: The drip system never gets fixed! Makes you wonder how the Town is going to manage our water utility, doesn’t it?
By Kerry Henard
Despite its claims, the Town performs as little maintenance and oversight as it possibly can. Given that the Town cannot manage simple drip systems, toilets, drinking fountains, and basic electrical issues, how is the Town going to manage our water utility?
(Check out the Town’s waterfall at 11:30.)
By Kerry Henard
In February 2016, the Town of Apple Valley put out a special edition
newsletter about water issues. One of the articles claimed that the Town was doing its part in the cause of water conservation.
Let’s check and see how the Town is doing, given that water is especially important in desert environments such as ours.
By Kerry Henard
Five months after telling everyone they are doing their part to conserve water, leaks in Apple Valley still are not fixed, wasting taxpayers’ money and water resources.
By Kerry Henard
Five months after telling everyone they are doing their part to conserve water, the Town of Apple Valley is still wasting water.
By Kerry Henard