By Kerry Henard
Five months after telling everyone they are doing their part to conserve water, the Town of Apple Valley is still wasting water.
By Kerry Henard
Five months after telling everyone they are doing their part to conserve water, the Town of Apple Valley is still wasting water.
By Kerry Henard
By Kerry Henard
A letter from the Town of Apple Valley claims that all restrooms are cleaned frequently and are in compliance with all applicable laws,
as part of the Town’s regular ongoing maintenance.
That sounds like something a lawyer would write. Let’s check those restrooms and see what things are like in the real world.
By Kerry Henard
By Kerry Henard
We apologize that you have to be subjected to a third street sweeper video, but the Town of Apple Valley made us go there.
Maybe someone should explain to the Town of Apple Valley what clean up your illegal dump sites
by Kerry Henard
The Town doesn’t care what you want, or what you do to try to get them to represent you. They are going to do what they want, no matter what.
That’s your local control.
The Apple Valley Town Council will be meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) evening at 6:30 pm. One of their agenda items is to consider placing The Right to Vote on Debt Act on the 2016 General Election ballot.
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