By Kerry Henard
We apologize that you have to be subjected to a third street sweeper video, but the Town of Apple Valley made us go there.
Maybe someone should explain to the Town of Apple Valley what clean up your illegal dump sites
We recorded the Town of Apple Valley’s illegal dumping by the street sweeper in two previous videos.
Apparently, the Town officials are watching, because within a couple of days of posting they attempted a clean up operation of the illegal dump sites.
Unfortunately, the operation failed, probably due to another of what highly-paid Town Manager Frank Robinson calls a breakdown in communication
whenever confronted with evidence of illegal behavior on the part of the Town.
So, someone at the Town is seeing these videos, then they react, but they fail again to rectify the problem … a problem, by the way, that should never have been a problem in the first place.
As you can see in the videos to follow, Town staff and management have not a clue what is going on. Nor do they care.
Here’s a question for Frank Robinson: If you are too inept to manage street sweeping, how do you propose to run a water utility?
Recommendation to residents of Apple Valley: This November, let’s get some new blood on the Town Council.