It remains absolutely mind-boggling to me that Town Officials and their peeps
continue to barrage the public with fake news in order to demonize the Water Company. They speak with impunity as if they truly know what is going on. The most recent fake news is Pat Orr’s column in the Apple Valley Review of July 25, 2017.
Pat Orr states: One of the newest Liberty
is demanding that the takeover details be run through the CEQA process. The California Environmental Quality Act is a lengthy and expensive process that has absolutely no bearing on an eminent domain case.
Pat Orr, where were you during the hundreds of thousands of dollars paid for the preparation of the Town’s CEQA documents? Where were you during the Town’s public meetings on the CEQA process? Where were you when the Town Attorney John Brown said that CEQA review was absolutely necessary
The Town’s CEQA documents are posted online and they were challenged as inadequate in 2015. The CEQA action filed by the Water Company predated the eminent domain action. It was filed on December 16, 2015. One only need check public record to verify it. I certainly can provide you with the website and how to obtain the information. I suggest getting the facts straight before writing. You have a responsibility, as a columnist, to not mislead the public.
Additionally, unless you sat in a Liberty Utilities strategy session, your speculation about the reasons that the Water Company does anything in litigation is nothing more than pure fabrication. I certainly support everyone’s right to express an opinion, but when that opinion is based neither upon fact, nor research, nor verification of statements, it is and remains worthless.
Diana J. Carloni