After over 3,800 registered voters signed a petition to allow for a direct vote on the cost of eminent domain of Liberty Utilities, the Apple Valley just trolled its entire citizenry by placing a counter-measure on the ballot last night — one that effectively places so many restrictions on a public vote trigger, it effectively would never happen.
Category Archives: Commentary
‘Conflict of interest’ (video)
Katie Manning tells the Apple Valley Town Council there is a conflict of interest in having the Town legal firm BB&K also line their own pockets by taking on the eminent domain action against Liberty Utilities.
‘Spending untold millions’ (video)
Pat Hanson telling the Apple Valley Town Council her concerns about Town spending on its hostile takeover of Liberty Utilities water company.
Letter: Apple Valley government
[…] Our Apple Valley government officials are very well convinced that their government skills are better than semi-government/private water management skills will be. I hope that their government skills prove to be better than their costly purchase and management of the Apple Valley Golf Course and restaurant has turned out thus far. The average citizen in Apple Valley is now paying for the costly pleasures of a privileged few former golf course owners who made their costly exercise and amusement location become the burden of all of us Apple Valley residents.
It’s not about local control, it’s about balancing the budget (video)
Diana Carloni advocates for the initiative matter in front of the Apple Valley Town Council.
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Apple Valley town staff ‘broke lock’ on Liberty Utilities vault
- Stole nearly 900,000 gallons of water for golf course use
Citizens have the right to vote on water debt (Hanson)
Before politicians obligate people to tens of millions of dollars in long-term debt, residents should have the right to vote on the plan. Unfortunately, the Town of Apple Valley did not respect voters enough to ask for consent before paying private lawyers, public relations firms and other consultants over a million dollars to file an eminent domain lawsuit to try to seize the local water system.
Dangerous conditions at Town of Apple Valley Civic Center pool (video)
By Kerry Henard
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Dangerous conditions at Horsemen’s Center (video)
By Kerry Henard
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Civic Center pool wasting water and money (video)
By Kerry Henard
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